The State of Sports Jan 28th

-Worth the Riske?
After what seemed like a week out of the ice age, it just seemed to last forever. Constantly checking Dirt Dogs for even a shred of evidence as to whats going on with the trade. Sitting in front of my computer checking away messages on AIM and playing Tiger Woods golf. It was like I had nothing better to do all week. Of course there's class, lunch and work. But when you're a die hard everyone else, you just look everywhere for a story. I have done more reading this week on the possible Coco Crisp deal than I have for reading this semester.
But, now Crisp is coming to Beantown. And just like that Boston now has a center fielder. Even better than that they have a leadoff hitter that just might be able to get on base. The offense is critical for this. This is because you need someeone who can get on base at the top of the order, so Ramirez and Ortiz can just do their thing. It doesnt help to get on base at the bottom of the order either for Crisp to move runners over. The Sox also just filled a hole the size of the San Andreas fault in centerfield.

They also got this kid named Josh Bard, who batted .196 in 36 games last year. Hardly a backup catcher worth putting on the roster for a spot, I think you will be seeing him at Pawtucket for a majority of the season. He's not worth adding to the roster when you have veterans John Flaherty and Ken Huckaby competing for a roster spot. If anything, hes going to play out the year as trade bait in a midseason aquisition. Or maybe hes just insurance in case something were to happen to any one of the other three catchers. You can just ask the Astros, you always need insurance.
The Sox gave up prospect Andy Marte. Who knows how the 22 year old infielder will turn up? He could be a Albert Puljois, a Julio Franco, or a complete bust. You just dont know with prospects. The highly touted Marte, will wind up being the third baseman for the Indians next year. The Sox also gave up Kelly Shoppach to add backup value for a catcher that was never going to replace team captain Jason Varitek.

When you look at the trade, the Red Sox just look so much better, than the Yankees and Blue Jays do on paper. With a lineup that will be tough to beat, a veteran rotation, and a solid bullpen, they could contend in their division. Of course it isnt even spring training, but I am very optomistic.